Saturday, July 7, 2012

Characters in Profile Introduction

Hello, my beloved!

     When I accepted a role on the Design Team many months ago, I did so with the understanding that I was going to be creating a massive world for the backstory that our favorite heroes live and do battle in.  The support from all of you, the players, for my previous work, has been tremendous; which only means that your expectations for what comes next are equally daunting.  Then again, I love a good challenge, and with the help of the entire Design Team I believe the world of Balor is ready to have a bit more life breathed into it.
     I'm not going to say the world is finished; in truth, I doubt it ever truly will be.  That doesn't mean that there's not plenty to begin sharing.  Already small snippets have been released (HERE and HERE for those playing the home game) but the total scope of the work won't shine through a few excerpts every couple of months.  A world this large, and fans this awesome, deserve new methods of storytelling, and we on the Design Team have decided that our blog is the place to do it.
     To that end, I've created a series of articles detailing the persona and history of some of my favorite allies in the game.  Races, languages, religions, countries, and entire worlds will be revealed over the course of the next few months in preparation for the upcoming expansion's expanded world! (See what I did there?)  I'm calling this series 'Characters in Profile', and while none of these are overly long, I like to think of them as little pieces to a large picture. These posts will be broken into three basic sections, 'About the Card', 'Information', and 'Background'.  These sections will help me make sure that the posts matter to nearly everyone, not just the Lore fans.
     'About the Card' will be a section where I detail out potential uses for the card, and some of my personal likes/dislikes.  The views are mine alone and I'm not some renowned tournament player, but a little insight never hurt anyone.  With any luck, some old hand might spot it, trigger a response and use one of these allies in a way never thought possible!
     Next up, we have the 'Info' section.  This is nothing new to most of you guys, but remember that there's a chance this blog will be picked up by people from outside the game and it might help if they had something besides just the name.  Of course it'll also have the ally's picture, so there's no chance of getting them mixed up!  Plus, it fills space, and my entries tend to be relatively short.
     Lastly we have the 'Background', which is the meat of these little beauties.  This part will give some history of the ally, like what country/world they came from.  It might tell why they joined the fight, or how the war has affected them.  It might even answer why Fire Snake is so abominably powerful - who knows!  Well, I know since I wrote them. GDC probably knows because he proof-reads for me (what, you thought my typos MAGICALLY vanished?).  Kyle knows because he threatens me... But WHO ELSE?
     These entries won't be on the regular blog schedule; they'll be released randomly to help entice more readers to keep following and piece the puzzle together, but I will put a link to the next one in the series once they do begin appearing.
     There probably won't be any contests from these, and I doubt my little insights on the card's uses will revolutionize the game, but those looking for a little more lore to add to their fan-fiction... well this will be your one stop shop!!  You can still expect more excerpts in the coming months, so hold on to your seats.  The ride is about to get wild!!

P.S.: Anyone ever notice the 'writer' of the Design Team has the shortest blog posts?

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