Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Greetings from Origins!

Welcome everyone, we just flew into Ohio, and boy are our arms tired!* This is the begining of many things; we have the physical release of Shadow Era here before us, the long awaited physical print has arrived!! I'm sure that many of you have been waiting eagerly to know that they are finally here. They look absolutley fabulous and we are sure that you will soon enjoy them too!

Our booth hasn't taken too long to set up; we spent about half of Wednesday getting it all installed with huge 10 foot (3ish meter) banners and lots of product on display. Jasmine has certainly been the centerfol**-center of attention to the paserbys(sp?).
This is the first time that the Design Team has met each other, and Kyle, in person; and we are really happy to finally be able to put faces to the names between ourselves.

This blog will be co-authored by all of the Design Team. We will alternate who is posting and talk about various aspects of the game, including things like lore, development news (what we are working on in the future), and inside perspectives (story behind the decisions/development of specific cards/sets)

(I'm typing the majority of this here at our booth while NachyoChez and Mojumbo play test one of our 18 demo-decks that we have built for people to test and enjoy.)

Soothslyr has shown up as well, meaning the Design Team is 2/3 united!  That's like a Puwen only even harder to kill, only not at all because it's exactly the same.  Thus the DT is the equivelant of a T2 drop***

At any rate, we do have some Vids and Pics for  you guys; we just need the final member of our team to film the introduction (AnAdolt shows up in just a few short hours!) so bear with us.  Pinky swear it's worth it.

Sebastian (Raz) & the guys who hijacked the post (Nachyo, Mojumbo, and Soothslyr)

*Nachyo takes full responsibility for that pun.
**And that one too.
***But that one was totally Mojumbo

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